Carotid Stenosis

Carotid Stenosis

NeuroICU Q&A

Does unilateral carotid artery stenosis cause vertigo and syncope?

Not usually. If these occur in isolation, consider pt to have asymptomatic carotid atherosclerotic disease.

Most common anatomic lesion of ICA stenosis?

Origin point v. distal to bifurcation of CCA, involves carotid bulb.

What are grades of ICA stenosis?

Mild is <50%, Moderate 50-69%, Severe 70-99%, Near occlusion ("string sign", Occluded.

Who benefits from carotid endarterectomy?

Pts with moderate and severe ICA stenosis who are symptomatic and within two weeks of presentation.

Medical mgmt of symptomatic carotid artery stenosis?

Antithrombotic - aspirin

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